Legal Notice | ULMA Construction

Legal Notice

Please read this document carefully. This is the Legal Notice and the Terms and Conditions that regulate the access, navigation and use of the ULMA C y E. S. Coop. website located at the URL (hereinafter, the "Website" ). 

Access, navigation and use of this Website entail and imply the express, unreserved acceptance of all terms of this Legal Notice, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract entered into in writing and signed.

Adherence and compliance with these terms applies to any person that accesses, browses or uses the Website. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from accessing, navigating and using the Website.


ULMA C y E, S. Coop. is a company with VAT Reg No. F-20-023065 and registered address at Paseo Otadui, 3 - 20560 Oñati (Guipuzcoa), Spain, signed in the Registro de Sociedades Cooperativas de Euskadi (Register of Cooperative Societies in the Basque Country) on Page 37-B.

You may contact ULMA C y E, S. Coop., directly by emailing to


This website is for information purposes only and under no circumstances can its content be construed in an advisory capacity regarding any of the areas specified therein, and users requiring advice should contact: ULMA C y E, S. Coop.

The contents of this website are necessarily general in character and do not in any way constitute any manner of professional advice. Professional advice must always be based on knowledge and analysis of the particular circumstances and situation of each user.

ULMA C y E, S. Coop. reserves the right to modify, alter or update the information contained on its website and/or its arrangement or presentation at any time, and without previous notice of any kind.

Any manipulation or alteration of this website without the express prior permission of ULMA C y E, S. Coop. is strictly prohibited. ULMA C y E, S. Coop. assumes no responsibility for any liability arising or which may arise from any such manipulation or alteration by third parties. 

Therefore, neither ULMA C y E, S. Coop., its representatives, staff nor its employees assume any liability arising or which may arise from any use that website users may make of the information and contents contained on the site, nor for the application of same in order to inform or support any judgement or decision on the part of any person or company.

By accessing this website, the user agrees to use it in complete accordance with the law and with customs of the trade, and agrees to be held liable by ULMA C y E, S. Coop. and/or third parties for any damages that may arise from the breach of this obligation.

Unauthorised use of the information contained on this website, as well as any damages or losses incurred in the area of the intellectual and industrial property rights of ULMA C y E, S. Coop., will give rise to the undertaking of such legal action as may be deemed appropriate or necessary, and, if circumstances dictate, to such liability as may arise from the exercise of these rights.


Although the information included in this website was developed on a firm legal basis, it may not be exhaustive, complete, accurate or up-to-date, as a result of possible changes to the legislation, judicial rulings, or other important factors.

The use of the information provided on this website is the sole responsibility of the end user. ULMA C y E, S. Coop. is in no way responsible for any errors or omissions which may exist here or for the individual conclusions or specific use which any party may make thereof.


The contents of this website are subject to copyright, and their reproduction is prohibited except by permission of the copyright holder, ULMA C y E, S. Coop.

Any information from third parties that may be included herein is subject to its own corresponding copyright and the associated copyright notices.

ULMA C y E, S. Coop. is a registered company name; unauthorised use is prohibited.

Intellectual property rights pertaining to the website and the various elements contained therein are property of ULMA C y E, S. Coop. unless expressly indicated otherwise.

Access to this website or its usage by any party cannot in any way be construed to grant a licence for use or any manner of rights over any element owned by, or whose rights are property of ULMA C y E, S. Coop.


The User agrees to use the Website in accordance with the law and the present General Conditions. The User undertakes to refrain from using the Website for any illicit purposes or for any purposes contrary to the General Conditions established herein.

By using the Website's services, the User consents and accepts to comply with the General Conditions, and agrees not to transfer, distribute or make available to third parties any kind of material that is in any way contrary to current legislation via the services provided by


In the event that the User sends information of any kind to ULMA C y E, S. Coop. through the Website, using the channels provided for this purpose on the website, the User states, warrants and accepts that s/he is entitled to do so freely, that the information does not infringe on any intellectual property, brand right, patent, trade secret or any other rights of third parties, that it is not confidential, and that it is not harmful to others.

The User accepts that s/he assumes responsibility and will indemnify ULMA C y E, S. Coop. for any communication supplied personally or in their name, with said responsibility covering without restriction whatsoever, the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of same.


Links to other websites

If the User finds links to other websites on the ULMA C y E, S. Coop. website by means of different buttons, URLs, banners, etc., these are managed by third parties. ULMA C y E, S. Coop. does not have the power or the human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, contents, products or services provided by other websites to which a link may be created from the Website.

Consequently, ULMA C y E, S. Coop. does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any aspect related to any website to which a link may be established from the Website, including, though not limited to, their functioning, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of their products and services, their own links and/or any of their contents in general.

In this regard, if the Users have effective knowledge of the illicit nature of activities carried out through these third-party websites, they must immediately inform ULMA C y E, S. Coop. in order that it may proceed to remove the link to that website.

The establishment of any type of link from the Website to another, external website shall not imply that there is any kind of relation, collaboration or dependency between ULMA C y E, S. Coop. and the person responsible for that external website.

Links to the Website from other websites

Any User, entity or website wishing to establish any kind of link to the Website must comply with the following conditions:
The link may only lead to the Website's Homepage, unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by ULMA C y E, S. Coop.

The link must be absolute and complete, i.e. it must take the User to the URL address of the Website in a single click and must include the full screen of the Website's Homepage. In no case, unless authorised expressly in writing by ULMA C y E, S. Coop., may the website with the link to the Website reproduce the Website in any way, include it as part of its own website or within one of its frames, or create a browser for any of the Website’s pages.

On the page establishing such a link, it shall not be permissible to state in any way that ULMA C y E, S. Coop. has authorised such a link, unless ULMA C y E, S. Coop. has done so expressly and in writing. If the entity that places the link from its own page to the Website correctly wishes to include on its website the brand, name, commercial name, sign, logo, slogan or any other identifying element of ULMA C y E, S. Coop. and/or its Website, it must obtain express written permission beforehand.

ULMA C y E, S. Coop. does not authorise the establishment of a link to the Website from websites containing material, information or content that is unlawful, illegal, degrading, obscene or generally contravenes morality, public order or generally-accepted social norms.

ULMA C y E, S. Coop. does not have the power or the human or technical resources to know, oversee or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites linked to the Website. ULMA C y E, S. Coop. assumes no responsibility for any aspect of a website that establishes a link to the Website, in particular, and including but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, the quality and reliability of products and services, its own links and/or any of its content in general.